Volunteers’ celebration evening
5 July 2023 | View all news
Around 100 guests attended this year’s Volunteers’ Evening.
Once again, our amazing volunteers came together for our annual celebration event at The Polish Club in Stafford.
The evening honoured those who make such a difference by dedicating their valuable time and skills to our charity.
And many received long service awards in recognition of the years of service given to the community.

Three volunteers were recognised for 30 years of service, while one received an award for 25 years, and an impressive nine volunteers earned 20-year awards.
As an extra special thank you for all they do for us, guests indulged in afternoon tea prepared by our catering team and served by our staff.
The event was hosted and organised by Lynne Simpkin, our hospice Support Services Assistant Manager, who said: “It was a great opportunity for us to see familiar faces, show our appreciation and acknowledge the long service of many of our volunteers.
“It’s a big task but worth it when everyone comes together.
“It’s always a nice atmosphere, and it’s great to see volunteers we haven’t seen for a while and celebrate.”
Volunteer Cyril Bird attended the event and said: “It’s nice to meet other volunteers that I’ve never met before and get to know what roles they do.
“You don’t realise that some have been there a long time, even 30 years.
“I’m very passionate about giving something back, and volunteering gave me the confidence to get a job in the NHS.
“I think what the charity do is marvellous and I will continue to help as much as I can.
“I reached my 20th year during Covid so there was no celebration, but I will go to my 25 year award.
“I’m aiming for 35 years or more, though and am happy to adapt and keep coming back to us to help in any way I can.”
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