Stafford shop sees record sales

09 July 2024 | View all news

Our largest shop in Stafford brought in £20,000 in one week. 

Our  10,000 sq ft donation centre and shop at St Alban’s Road, recorded the best ever weekly sales in June.

This is the highest since opening in 2007.

Every pound raised means more funding for the care services we offers in people’s homes and at the hospice.

Shop Manager, Estelle Hayward, commented: “On average our volunteers and staff process 2,000 donated items every week.

“This amazing achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the generous donations we receive from our community, the hard work of our staff and volunteers and our wonderful shoppers.

“The retail side of our charity is essential to help fund the care we provide. Numbers like this will positively impact patients and their families.”

Estelle and Rihanna at the Stafford shop

Exciting times

The shop unit is undergoing expansion work, which will make it the largest charity shop in the West Midlands, at around 19,000 sq ft.

“These are exciting times. We will be able to take more donations and ultimately contribute even more funds to securing free care for the people of Stafford and the surrounding areas,” said newly appointed Deputy Retail Manager, Rhianna Ewan.

Rhianna has extensive experience at the charity, working in care for more than two years before moving to the retail operation.  “I always wanted to work for Katharine House Hospice, since I was a child. Having worked directly with patients, I know how much funds raised by retail impact their care.”

Our charity shops provided £2 million towards funding care last year.

Shop celebrates record sales