Therapy and Wellbeing Centre

Our Therapy and Wellbeing Centre

Our Therapy & Wellbeing Centre is a warm and welcoming space for people living with an incurable illness, and their loved ones.

Revamped and reopened in 2023 with new clinical rooms, social spaces and beautiful gardens, we provide a range of outpatient services to help you manage your condition and live a better quality of life.

Our expert team – including doctors, nurses, complementary therapists, and counsellors – are here to help from day one of diagnosis, offering care, guidance and ongoing support for as long as you need.

Outside of our Therapy and Wellbeing Centre. The pergola has warm fairy lights around it. And a turquoise sign points to the entrance of the building.

24/7 advice line

Anyone with an incurable illness, their carers and loved ones, and healthcare professionals, can call our 24/7 advice line on 01785 270832.

We can answer enquiries and signpost you to specialist teams and other organisations who could help.

Advice line
01785 270832

How we can help

If you’re living with an incurable illness and would like support, your GP or doctor can refer you to our services.

You can also self-refer by calling our advice line during weekday office hours, 9 am – 5 pm.

When you are referred to us you will receive:

  • an assessment
  • tailored support from our highly skilled team of healthcare professionals.
The Therapy and Wellbeing team at Katharine House Hospice.
The Therapy and Wellbeing team.

Our clinics

We have a range of clinics to help you manage your condition including complementary therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, lymphoedema care, counselling, spiritual care, family support and more.

Our team of expert professionals supports palliative patients to live well and more independently.

We can help from day one of diagnosis and we can give you great advice, even if you don’t wish to receive treatment.

We can support patient’s virtually by:

  • telephone support calls
  • Zoom social sessions
  • Zoom relaxation sessions.

And, in certain instances, we can also provide home visits.

We want to be there for every family when they need us. 

We are working more with hidden communities such as the LGBTQ+, BME, veterans and those who may be homeless.

Open support sessions

No referral or booking needed

Discover our weekly drop-in sessions for expert support, advice, and a friendly chat.

View our open support sessions

Tailored specialist support

Referral required

Access tailored support to help manage your condition and improve your wellbeing.

View our tailored specialist support

A patient receiving a back massage.
We offer a range of complementary therapy treatments to improve your overall wellbeing.
Patients sitting and enjoying a drink outside under the gazebo on a summers day.
Relax with a drink in our outside space and gardens.

Care feedback and reviews

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iWantGreatCare is a trusted site for healthcare reviews. They enable you to leave meaningful feedback on your care or say thank you.

You can read honest, direct feedback from people like you when looking for care for yourself or a loved one.