Planning your care in advance

You may have heard of an Advance Care Plan. This is a document that allows you to tell healthcare professionals what your wishes are for your future care when you can no longer do this for yourself. The types of things an advance care plan may include are:

  • Who you would like to be involved in making decisions about your care.
  • What things are or would be really important to you about your care.
  • Who you would like to spend time with.
  • What treatment you would absolutely NOT want.
  • Where you would prefer to be cared for e.g. at home or in a hospital.
  • How you would like practical matters dealt with, such as the care of a pet.

After completing an advance care plan, some individuals find their wishes change. Any decisions documented in an advance care plan can always be amended.

It is your choice whether you make an advance care plan and you should not feel any pressure to include anything you are not comfortable with. However, writing down your wishes can help make it easier for healthcare professionals to care for you in the event you become seriously ill.

Contact us

Patient Pathway team

If you would like to discuss advance care planning with one of our experts, please get in touch with the Patient Pathway team.

01785 270832